Guapinol Trial Will Resume Thursday While Supreme Court Fails to Rule on Arbitrary Detention
Updated: Jan 13, 2022

January 11, 2022 One month after the defense of the Guapinol River Defenders filed a writ of recusal against the court presiding over the Guapinol trial, Judges Dilia Irasema Guillen Sanchez, Garin Enoc Urquia Castro and Joel Edgardo Serrano Carcamo of the Court of Appeals of La Ceiba have ruled to dismiss the legal action and the trial is set to resume this Thursday in Tocoa.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court of Justice has FAILED to rule on the Habeas Corpus action filed ONE MONTH ago to put an end to the arbitrary detentions of the defenders, in total disregard of its legal obligations. Despite having the duty to immediately resolve the legal action, the Constitutional Chamber has failed to do so, and is yet another example of how the judiciary has failed to protect the lives and rights of the Guapinol River Defenders.
We recall that during the first day of oral and public debate in December 2021, the Court illegally resolved to incorporate a fourth crime without any legal basis. Now the judges Ricardo Rodriguez, Barahona, Henry Geovanny Duarte Zaldivary Franklin Marvin Araliz Santos have indicated that the defenders will face trial between January 13 and 27 in Tocoa on four charges brought by Oscar Chinchilla's Public Prosecutor's Office and the Los Pinares company, part of the Mining Division of Emco Group, controlled by Lenir Perez and Ana Facusse.
The collusion between the State and the company has led to mining devastation in the Carlos Escaleras National Park and the arbitrary detention of the defenders for more than 28 months. Your support is needed more than ever.
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#GuapinolInocente #FreedomForGuapinol. Media Contact: Brenda Miralda +504 3274 3273