Filing of constitutional appeal: Freedom for Guapinol now!

Two months ago, the Court of Appeals of La Ceiba cemented the collusion between the judiciary and the Inversiones Los Pinares mining company to illegally keep eight water defenders from Guapinol and Sector San Pedro in jail as punishment for their defense of the rivers in the Carlos Escaleras National Park against the threat of an iron oxide mining project.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 7, at 10:30 a.m.: the families of the defenders arbitrarily imprisoned, the Municipal Committee in Defense of the Common and Public Goods of Tocoa and its legal team will present an injunction in the Supreme Court to guarantee their rights and obtain the freedom of the comrades who have been imprisoned for their defense of the environment.
Inversiones Los Pinares and Ecotek have operated under corruption and fraud since the beginning of their mining project in Tocoa using the same patterns of violence, stigmatization, defamation and criminalization seen in cases throughout the country. Now, in addition to the open pit mine, they are proposing to open the largest iron ore pelletization plan in Central America. This puts communities in even more risk.
The environmental and exploitation licenses were granted illegally, but the MP has not investigated or prosecuted those responsible. We demand justice for our compañeros and for Carlos Escaleras National Park!
Today a new trial has begun in the long struggle for justice for Berta. Our solidarity with COPINH and the family of Berta Cáceres who are making the colonial judicial system shake with their demand for justice. This case shows the corruption and structural violence, and ultimately impunity, with which extractive corporations work in Honduras.
The criminal structure behind the murder of our compañera Berta must be dismantled for there to be true justice. David Castillo is not an intellectual author, he is a worker sent by those who had the economic and political power to kill Berta and ensure impunity to continue with an extractive project of death. The Atalas are still missing!
