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Verdict expected Wednesday in Guapinol River Defenders Case in Honduras


This Wednesday, February 9, the Court will issue its ruling in the Guapinol River Defenders Case in a Tocoa Courthouse.

The evidence has shown that the Defenders are innocent and that the State invented a case to criminalize them in an attempt to neutralize the legitimate defense of water from a mine owned and operated by the Emco Group in the Carlos Escaleras National Park.

Join the defenders and their families in Tocoa for this important ruling.

We will be broadcasting the hearing live from Tocoa on FB Live from Guapinol Despierta:

If you can't be there in person, join us on social media:


1. Defending water is not a crime! @PJdeHonduras we demand an acquittal!

2. We reject the evidence invented by @MP_Honduras against the defenders of the Guapinol river! @PJdeHonduras has no choice but to acquit and release them!

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